Sunday, July 21, 2019

Left Out Of The Fun!

  Last Sunday (7/14/19) was the Porsche Owners Club's Autocross in San Pedro at the lot next to the S.S. Lane Victory Ship. Although i wasn't able to participate in the racing, with the El Camino waiting on some parts to get my brake caliper piston knock back issue resolved. Some of our friends were going & I really wanted to at least get out and get shots of them and all of the other cars racing. I also wanted to try some different settings on the camera and to get different shots then just the slow panning shots, and get some "still action' shots.
  After just a couple minutes of being out there, I really started to feel left out of the fun of actually driving the El Co on course. The layout they ran looked like it was super fun to drive, although i did see some parts that would have definitely needed good brakes.
  I hope you guys like the photos i got! i'm posting my favorite shots from the day, and even some blurry ones that I like for some reason! Haha!!

 P.S. feel free to download and share any of the photos (click on the picture and open in a second page for a better quality), please tag @AsEyeSeeThings on any of the social media outlets if you do share the shots.
